Thursday, November 29, 2012

Association and Infiltration

In matters of Christian Reconstruction, we must first seek a relationship with the masses  before any progress can be made. Remember, Christian Reconstruction begins with people not with policies. Our modern age is an age of suspicion of those that speak openly about Christianity and God’s Law as the only valid model for society. People need to know who you are before they are willing to listen to what you know. They need to see your life’s example, that you are a person of sobriety and integrity, not a pietistic judgmental Pharisee, but a person of Biblical respectability. They need to know that you are trustworthy and consistent, not being prone to fits of anger or emotional outbursts. It is only then that you will be able to forge profitable associations within your community. The Scriptures express this strategy in no uncertain terms:

1Pe 2:12 Having your conversation [lit. conduct] honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
1Pe 1:15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation [lit. conduct]…

Col 4:5 ¶ Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

It is only after personal associations are made that the Christian can then offer Biblical recommendations of correction for the policies of the societal order. While not everyone will be receptive to God’s Law, some may. Those are the ones you are looking for. You are not trying to convince everyone, nor are you trying to have everyone like you. What you are seeking is that everyone respect you, even fear you for your intellectual prowess, professionalism and virtuous life. 


Infiltration sounds like an ominous term when used to express a Biblical strategy of Christian Reconstruction, yet it is very applicable. The goal of the Christian is to get ‘involved’, that is to ‘infiltrate’, the areas of culture which he or she can most likely influence. According to one’s several abilities, time allotments and expertise, the Christian should offer him or herself in those areas.

Within every community, town, city or county, committees are set up to further the agenda of that county and to assist it in running smoothly. These committees are usually staffed with volunteers or by appointment. Much of the county’s operations and policies are discussed and decided upon by these committees, and therefore, they never should be neglected. Furthermore, all committee meetings are open to the public along with the town, city and county meetings. At the very least, these meetings need to be monitored in order to know what is going on behind the scene.

Showing up at these meetings also allows for the Christian to become visible to the county leaders and committee members. In time this may foster discourse and even an appointment to some of those committees. It will definitely foster relationships one way or another.

Cultural involvement is not explicitly male oriented, although there are certain areas that only men should become involved in, such as politics and areas which the Scriptures are clear about. Women too, depending on their duties at home, can be helpful. Monitoring county or town meetings is one good way for women to assist. Women are more apt to record the particulars of a meeting than a man. Her ability to remember specifics are more sensitive than a man’s. This is simply the way God has made her and there for she is able to provide as a very suitable helpmeet to her husband.

There is another reason why she may be useful in a stealthy manner. By attending public meetings she poses less of a threat to the community leaders by virtue of her femininity. If she has school aged home-schooled children she may use the excuse that she is teaching them ‘civics’ and this is one of the educational procedures of teaching. Attending meetings in this way provides visible accountability that the community leaders cannot ignore.


1.    Begin to attend the county’s public meetings. Find out the dates, times and place where they meet and show up. Be consistent in your attendance. Formulate a team of men (or women) to rotate so the burden is not upon a single individual. If only one person tries to keep up with the meetings he will quickly burn out and stop attending. That is exactly what the administrators desire. They want as little resistance to their jobs a possible. Be the gate keeper. Be the watchman.

2.    Research is also important. Most counties have Web Sites where they host the minutes and agendas from past meetings. Being to catalog them and study them from a Biblical standpoint. Wives and mothers can be very useful in this endeavor since they are usually at home and computer savvy. Researching and reading some of the consent agreement and the mandates that the state places on counties, cities and towns takes time. A synopsis of these documents can be invaluable. 

     Research the various county, town or city committees. Find out when they meet. Choose one and attend. Start with Zoning or the School board. Get others to attend the other meetings. Find out the agenda and then listen before you say a word. Keep a journal. Take notes. The goal is to compare the agenda and the policies against Scripture and then to counter those policies with a Biblical Solution. Remember you must be Solution oriented.

3.    Volunteer for a committee. There are many committees available in your area. You simply need to research what is available. Even if the committee is a group organizing the Fourth of July parade or the Christmas parade get on the  team. Usually one of the town councilmen or city fathers, or even the mayor is appointed to oversee that committee. Get to know these people. Vet them Biblically. Be cunning. Be wise. Know those that work among you. Become familiar with how they think and what their worldview philosophy is. THEN, you will be ready to act, but not until then.

4.    Take your elected leaders out to lunch. Get to know them. If it is female, have the wives get involved. Take the commonwealth attorney to lunch or the district attorney whichever you have in your locality. Get to know them. Get them to know you. Remember to ask about their family, their wives children and how the pressure of being a public figure is affecting them. Be genuinely concerned.

If you know that the particular leader is a blasphemous anti-Christ you may not want to eat with him or her. Nevertheless, when you see them around town, offer a respectful greeting. Honor their office even if you cannot honor the man. 

5.    Finally, get to know all the businesses in the county. Know the shop owners. Patronize their shops. Ask how they are and how their business is doing. Be concerned. Develop a report. Strike up conversation about things that really matter. Things like liberty, property taxation, family security, the economic situation and the moral breakdown of the culture. Consider their response and share some of your own thoughts if appropriate at that time. Above all, show that you are concerned for the well-being of the human race, freedom of every American and the integrity of the family unit, in light of the treat of tyranny, whether it is active at the federal, state or local level.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Leadership: Observation and Reconnaissance

The burning question which seems to be the concern of those who seriously want to change the culture God-ward is, “Where do I begin?”  What initial steps does one take so as to move the culture in the direction of Righteousness?  Is there a play-book of strategies and tactics that one can use in a systematic fashion to arrive at that goal? Before I give an answer, we must remember that the culture is about people. Human society is not to be assessed in a vacuum as some non-human entity but rather as a living organism which is made up of human beings created in the image of God albeit fallen in Adam. Simply put, we must begin with people.

The Scope of Reconstruction
While the Christian wants to see the realization of the Kingdom of God’s Righteousness span the entire globe he must remember that this only can happen from the ground upward. Little by little the kingdom is advanced. The world cannot be changed overnight nor can it be changed without changing the common folk at the community level. The task of the saint is re-education by using God’s Biblical principles in order to change the hearts and minds of the populace. It is a bottom up, grass roots, individual effort and it relies upon the faithful dispensing of the Word of God and its practical application to real issues. Let me hasten to say that this does not, in any way, deny that God must intervene if real change is to take effect. What I am saying is we must begin at the local level and move outward and upward. Initially, our scope must be local.

In order to rightly and effectively engage people you need to observe them. Know your target. Know those who you are interacting with every day in the market place. Observe them. Take an account of where they live, what kind of house they own or rent, whether it is an expensive house or a modest one. Perhaps they are in an impoverished area. Perhaps they drive a new vehicle or maybe it is a broken down piece of junk. Know your audience. Are they married? Do they have a family? Are they well educated? Are they white collar professionals or blue collar working folks. You cannot address a person expecting to criticize their theological presuppositions out of the blue without any relationship whatsoever in complete ignorance of their life’s situation without coming off as a complete arrogant brute. You must take your time to know those who live and work in your community, and you must be honestly concerned with their well being.

Genuine Concern
Even if you are not a pastor you must initially approach everyone with an honest concern for their well being. It is only when you have absolutely determined that the individual or individuals is hostile to the God of Scripture should you have nothing to do with them. If you are not honestly concerned about others it will eventually become obvious and you will never be able to shed the label of “deceiver and hypocrite”.

Interaction: Get to know your neighbors

After careful observation begin to interact with your neighbors. Everyone is dissatisfied with one thing or another in the community. Find out what it is through personal interaction. This will give you an opportunity to show them first-hand that you are an individual of virtuous integrity in possession of real answers to real problems. It will also give you a chance to discuss the affairs of life from a sober and well thought-out point of view. This will open up opportunities to discuss some of the deeper issues of life such as politics, economics, philosophy and especially theology and the Law of God. Learn to initiate discussion. Depending on the situation, and the person, you can use either subtlety or boldness when seeking to stimulate conversation.

Another tactic which has proven to be very effective is initiating conversation and discussion with the local merchants of your community. Establish a consistency of patronage. As you patronize the local vendors be sure they get to know you. Know their names and make sure they know yours. From time to time ask how their business is and inquire as to the well being of their family. Remember these are people who make up the life of the culture that you are seeking to conform to the image of God. By discussing everyday matters, yet potentially important topics to the individual, you are establishing a report with the people who are the core group of your community.

Most people simply want to live fruitful and peaceful lives. Most are family oriented. Many are simple folk. All of them deal with sin which brings them face to face with a myriad of problems. Many are ignorant of what is going on within them and around them and are unable to assess the societal situation from a theological vantage point.  That is what you must do.  Once you establish a relationship with the people in your community you can incrementally being to express your Christ-o-centric world and life view as it concerns the issues that affect them most.

The increase of taxes is always a good place to start. People know the government is stealing by abusing the laws of taxation but they do not know how to remedy it. That is where you can begin to “stir the pot.” If you do nothing else, get people to think outside their humanistic box and point them to the Righteous solutions of Scripture. 

Know your magistrates

Getting familiar with the common folk is essential but it is not enough. You must know your enemy. Usually the enemy lies within the seat of power either locally, state-wide or in the halls of the Federal establishment. Whether they are enemies of the Word of God consciously or subconsciously, if their public policies do not conform to Scripture they are to be considered rebels to the Crown of Christ and potential, if not already, tyrants over the people. These must be confronted. But the confrontation must be unemotional, carefully calculated and executed with great cunning and timing.
Open displeasure of public policy, either in written or verbal form in the public square is important. Letters to the editor, tracts and pamphlets can be useful. Invite your neighbors over for coffee or meet them at the local coffee house or pub to discuss these issues. Get others to write and voice their displeasure over unjust laws. Bring them to the county meetings. Stand with them in solidarity even if you disagree on other issues stand on the one you agree upon. This is especially a good tactic since each person represents a vote for or against the legislator. Establish your leadership potential. Cause them to look to you as the organizing factor for God Glorifying Reconstruction.

Attending public meetings while the magistrates discuss policy is only one aspect of intelligence gathering. There are many other committee meetings that take place where there is usually no oversight by outsiders yet is fully open to the public. When there is no visible observation some of these committees can metastasize into tyrannical entities especially zoning, budget and school board committees. These need to be held accountable to the people according to God’s Word.
Another tactic is to become a county or city committee member. Every town, city and county also have a number of committees that meet each month. Some are policy committee while some are social committee meetings that deal with festivals and other special events. Choose one that you have a passion for and some expertise in. Your motive must be to add your God given talents to your community through community service.  This gives you greater opportunities to interact with your neighbors and community leaders. Remember you want the best for the community. This can only be done by honoring God in their decisions. That is where you can help.

Never underestimate the importance of studying God’s word. It is essential that you know what you are talking about when you open your mouth. You must have a consistent world view which is theologically sound and comprehensive in scope. A detailed reading list should be followed each year to bolster your knowledge. If you decide that you know all that you need to know, and you are now “God’s gift” to your community, do all of Christendom a favor and move to Siberia. Constant study is essential for God-glorifying change. Without Biblical understanding and wisdom you will simply be part of the problem rather than a champion of the solution.


All of this takes time and it should since we need to be very calculated in our strategies and tactics.  It takes time to forge deep relationships. It takes time to convince people you care since caring is expressed in real action over time in a variety of situations. Begin today, but do not rush the results. Results will be slow coming and few but they will come over time by a faithful consistency of action.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Authentic Leadership: The Distinction

Leadership, if it is authentic, is recognizable. Leaders have a distinct personality and a clear vision for the future. Their vision must resonate with the people if they are to be effective. Usually the leadership vision stems from a foundation based upon righteousness, justice and equity some of which is real, most of which is imagined. Leaders are future oriented. They think and act so as to change things. Their strength lies in the fact that they are able to respond to real issues with real solutions based upon concrete principles.

There are however, two classes of leadership groups, two distinct goals, and two very different core principles from which the leadership mind works.

The distinctives are simple. Leadership stems from either a Humanistic presupposition or a Christ-o-centric presupposition. Since every human being is created in the image of God with an a priori knowledge of Him, he thinks from a religious point of origin, and acts according to its dictates. Therefore, leadership is either man-centered or Christ-centered. It cannot be both; which brings me to my point. 

If leadership is not Christ-centered it can be neither righteous nor just and it certainly cannot be equitable. If leadership is not rooted in the tenants of the Inspired and inscripturated Law-Word of God is cannot be Authentic since it is not based upon Truth. Furthermore, it cannot be Authentic because its presuppositions begin with the deification of man and the hope of paradise rooted in man's ability to save the world, either through politics, economics, diplomacy, military might, democracy, education, science, technology or medicine. These things in and of themselves cannot make the world a better place especially since natural man is in rebellion against God and ever seeks to usurp God.

Yet, many humanistic leaders have emerged that have wholly captured the hearts and minds of good Christian people. Their charismatic ability to influence people was so powerful that it cast a wide net over believers and non-believers alike. In one cunningly executed coup sinners and saints were caught up together in the epiphany of the leader's humanistic vision. 

But if humanism is the enemy of Christianity, and of the Christian people, how could this be? How could a humanistic leader sway Christendom to the point of denying the Scriptural principles and examples of Authentic Christ-centered leadership? The answer lies in a misunderstanding of what Biblical Leadership is, its core principles, and how Authentic Leadership is to be developed and groomed.

The trap, which many Christians fall into, is they are waiting for leaders instead of seeking to become leaders. While not every saint is destined for Leadership, every saint is called to lead in some aspect of society, even if it is only within his or her own family or church.

Next: Leadership Observation and Reconnaissance
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